The process of buying and selling real estate can sometimes be pretty darn lengthy, especially if your title company isn’t pro-actively trying to do everything they can to prevent any setbacks. Here are the top annoying delays you can avoid by simply using Sun Title:

Delay #1: An “Unclean” Title

No we’re not talking about a coffee spill or chocolate smudge, we’re talking about stuff that needs to be cleared up before the transfer of ownership can take place. This is where having an attorney-owned title company like Sun Title comes in handy. To avoid these types of delays, it’s crucial to have a thorough title search to ensure everything is accurate and there are no hidden surprises like liens or bankruptcies that can rear their ugly heads in the future.

Delay #2: A Lolligagger in the Bunch

What happens when one of the parties you’re depending on drag their feet and procrastinate getting their part of the process accomplished? You guessed it: delays.

While some like to wait for a mortgage commitment before making their move, a title search can totally be started once a purchase offer is received, and there’s no reason to wait to have a property survey performed. Even if the mortgage is denied, at least the search and survey won’t be holding things up.

Delay #3: Discrepancies Among Parties Involved

It’s often inevitable that a disagreement or some type of miscommunication or misunderstanding occurs. Someone might be questioning the accuracy of the closing statement (you know, if they’re not using Sun Title) or maybe requested repairs haven’t been made and no one notices until closing time. Staying on top of details is a must, at least as far as we’re concerned.

Delay #4 Not having your darn documents in order

Let’s face it, there’s a lot of paperwork involved in the buying/selling process, and nothing holds up a closing like not having it all in order. If lender-required documents aren’t signed and returned to the lender, if re-inspection of required repairs has not taken place or been documented, well you may as well get comfortable, because there’s going to be a wait.

A good title company will help to make sure things are moving along and these common delays are avoided to ensure the closing goes smoothly. Hmmm…wonder where you can find a good title company. One that’s attorney-owned, obsessed with details and delivering an efficient, just plain awesome experience…

(hint: call 616-458- 9100 and ask for the experts at Sun Title)