Finding the perfect house for clients is certainly never easy. Sometimes compromises need to be made and often it comes down to the epic battle of basement vs. bathroom options. What should you do if you find yourself smack dab in the middle of this dilemma? Maybe a look at the pros and cons of each will help bid one against the other:

No Basement

Well, it’s pretty obvious, right?

  • Less storage for all the stuff you move from place to place even though you don’t really use it
  • No extra entertaining space
  • Nowhere to send the kids to get out of your hair
  • Nowhere to create a mother inlaw suite to get her out of your hair
  • One less option for placement of the litter box
  • No man cave

Yes, we can actually come up with some:

  • Guaranteed main floor laundry
  • Less stairs to climb
  • Incentive to become a minimalist
  • Nowhere for inlaws to stay overnight
  • One less space to have to fix up
  • Kids will leave to go over friends’ houses that have basements
  • Less likelihood of haunting
  • Fewer spiders

Okay, maybe those last two are getting kind of desperate, but the fact is, you can show a house with no basement confidently if you can counter the cons with solutions. Point out the garage or attic that can provide storage. An extra bedroom can be converted into a man cave or guest room. A deck is great added entertaining space. Oh, and be sure to emphasize the multiple bathrooms!

Vs. One Bathroom

Bathroom, party of one is a tough sell for sure…

  • Lack of a no-waiting experience
  • Inconvenient for you, let alone guests
  • Difficult to get ready in the morning
  • Disastrous for entertaining
  • Who likes having to hold it?
  • The chance of having to directly follow someone who’s, you know, been in
    there a while.

Having to take a number, stand in line and hold it ‘til it’s your turn is not exactly appealing, but it does have some positives:

  • Less toilets to clean
  • Less toilet paper and air freshener to buy
  • Incentive to curb your drinking habits
  • Fewer drop-in visitors (people with weak bladders are weeded out)
  • Lower water bills
  • Less to decorate